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the top of the climb

I've dreamed. I've raised $13,922. I've picked up and moved to Nashville. I've met incredible new people. I've made it through my first few days of training. And now I'm looking up and around and seeing how far I've made it and the places I have yet to go.

This is a photo from our trip to Zimbabwe, and one of my favorite memories. After our work one day, the kids took us to climb a mountain. I've never experienced such a beautiful view only sweetened by the fact that we put in the effort to get to that place.

I am so warmed by the people here in Nashville and the excitement of what I get to experience, learn, and serve. Someone asked me on Friday what I hope to get out of this year. It was a question I'd obviously considered when making the decision to take a gap year to do missions, but not one, I realized, that I had considered actually living.

I hope to gain new skills, meet and love new people, and learn how to be a better servant throughout my life and in every aspect of my life. It's a hard question to consider your purpose in life and why you make the decisions you do. Especially in this time of my life where everyone is for the first time expecting you to create your own path, and at the same time understand how and why you're doing it.

But it's places and people like this new little home that humble you and fill you with warmth and confidence that you're doing the right thing.

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I mostly just wanted to check in and share a bit of my initial thoughts in this transition. I hope to share soon more about what I'm doing. Currently, I am working on researching a emailing list to reach people more directly and briefly with updates on my journey. I will keep you updated on the progress of that.

Thanks as always for reading.



P.S. Anyone that is interested in writing me (I love letters!!), my new address is

601 Hadley's Bend Blvd

Old Hickory, TN 37138

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